Hospital Management System

hospital management system software

Enabling the widespread use of health care management systems with a myriad benefits — November 9, 2016

Enabling the widespread use of health care management systems with a myriad benefits


There are a lot of tasks to manage within a hospital. Hospital management is even taught as a course in various colleges. This shows the importance of hospital management in the health care industry. It is a field which consists of various challenges and risks. The administrators and other authorities have to go through a lot to manage a hospital effectively. The inventions of software to manage the hospital is an excellent idea from the part of the developers. The technologies have to be used in such a way that it can offer many advantages to the society. Elixir Aid is such software which is intended to help with the administration as well as productive matters. This computerized hospital management system has a major role in controlling and coordinating the activities in a hospital.

Hospital management system

A system to carry out all the activities in a hospital will provide a great relief to all the staffs in a hospital. It is quite natural that the staffs could get tired of taking care of all the activities in a hospital. In such scenarios, managing all the activities with a single click is very much helpful for the hospital staffs. They can even reduce their huge workloads.

In this article, let us see the role of a hospital management system in handling a hospital.

Excellence in administration

Administration is one of the major factors which decides the long running of a hospital. If the hospital has got a fine administrative power, they can succeed as a pioneer in the health care industry.

Reduced workload

Managing a hospital is a big and challenging task. Every day there will be a big crowd in hospitals – to consult a doctor, to do the laboratory tests and for many other reasons. In the ordinary hospitals, separate staffs are designated for each task. With the arrival of software for managing the hospitals, the workloads of each staff has reduced a lot. With a single click, all tasks can be completed.

Error free

The chances of errors are less in the proposed system. If people are meant to do each task, there will occur some kind of errors. With the use of software, the involvement of humans is much less and hence the errors will be less. The perfection of the test reports and lab results will be diminished if there occurs some kind of errors. In a hospital, even a small error in such reports cannot be appreciated. Use of such a system, can offer maximum productivity as well as a great sense of perfection.

Now-a-days, the use of hospital management software is very common in the urban hospitals. The widespread usage of this should reach the rural hospitals too, to make sure the standard of health care and the wellbeing of the hospital.

To know more, visit the site

World-class software to fufil your evolving hospital management requirements — October 28, 2016

World-class software to fufil your evolving hospital management requirements


The need for ensuring utmost accuracy and precision in hospital management services has become an essential thing so as to avoid chances for risks or complications in patient care or related matters. With a focused vision of enhancing the quality of health care services efficient software development companies have come forward by introducing innovative hospital management software solutions.

So as to maintain ultimate reputation and transparency in the healthcare industry in present day scenario, hospitals will be essentially needed with a comprehensive and integrated hospital management software, in other words a medical software, that will be capable of managing all the facets of a hospital operation, including OPD management and IPD Management, Patient Registration, Appointment, Medical Billing, HR / payroll and the corresponding service processes. Hospital Management softwares have become a quite essential requirement for companies to replace the traditional approach in hospital management that encompasses of paper-based information processing with comprehensive virtual solutions.

Here are some of the major features that can be availed with the use of an advanced Hospital Management Software (HMS).

  • Convenient access to doctors data and to manage various records, including classification based on patient details like name, gender, age Etc. It is especially beneficial at ambulatory (out-patient) point, hence enhancing continuity of care. As well as, Internet-based access improves the ability to remotely access such data.
  • It helps as a decision support system for the hospital authorities for developing comprehensive health care policies.
  • Efficient and accurate administration of finance, deed of patient, engineering, and distribution of medical aid. It helps to view a broad picture of hospital growth.
  • Improved monitoring of drug usage, and study of effectiveness. This helps to reduce adverse drug interactions while promoting more appropriate pharmaceutical utilization.
  • Enhances information integrity, reduces transcription errors, and reduces duplication of information entries.
  • Advanced hospital software will be convenient for use and also eliminates error caused by handwriting. HMS applications developed with modern technology and computer systems can give perfect performance to pull up information from server or cloud servers.

State of the art software solutions is introduced by leading software development companies in India. This software has great demand for healthcare institutions from all around the world. An NABH compliant HMS software can be used for easy management of multi-specialty hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, medical shops and centers of pathology and radiology. Futuristic entrepreneurs always rely on a super-specialty software that help users to provide excellent services and solutions across the Healthcare Industry such as Super Specialty Hospitals, Multi Specialty Hospitals and General Hospitals.

Every healthcare establishments that maintains a clear vision for ensuring the best care and service for its patients, should choose an integrated health management system, as it is one of the most critical needs of the hospitals. It would be wise of reputed healthcare institutions to go for a powerful, user-friendly and flexible application, that is designed and developed to derive benefits to the hospitals and clinics. A hospital Management Software would help to safeguard the flow of information coming across as well as for making efficient decision for general hospital management, streamlining financial accounts and patient care.

To know more, Visit the site

Healthcare services to achieve accelerated efficiency and security with advanced software solutions — October 21, 2016

Healthcare services to achieve accelerated efficiency and security with advanced software solutions


Moderate Hospital Management Software systems are designed and introduced by pioneer companies around the world with a generous vision for enhancing the efficiency, precision and accuracy of the services at small and mid-sized hospitals and clinics. The systematic hospital management software also helps individual doctors, physicians as well as Multi-Specialty Hospitals to reduce time and cost consumption as well as to ensure patients with the best care ever. Considering into the qualities required for a hospital management software the most important factor would be a feature rich web / mobile / desktop based Hospital Management Software that is combined with comprehensive features necessary for present day hospital management.

Potential Hospital administrators and entrepreneurs in India is setting several important requirements that should be fulfilled by the Hospital Management Software. Core necessary features required in an HMS are patient care, patient management, patient records, hospital management, administration and streamlining of various financial accounting concerns of a healthcare establishment. Leading software development firms in India have realized the need for making the Hospital Information Management easy, as much as paperless, user-friendly, eco-friendly and time saving.

Here is a glance on some of the important factors influencing the quality of a Hospital Management Software


Advanced Hospital Information system is built with the use of most modern technology so as to give customers with a robust technology equipped healthcare Software product. It is wise for hospital administrators to choose a software product that is primarily a web application that can also be used in desktop version as well as being compatible with Microsoft .Net, MS SQL Servers.

Personalized experience

It is a great concern by many leading healthcare software developers to ensure an independent and secure environment to each clients and end users. Healthcare institutions can get their own custom work environment with the modules they have opted for.

Data Security

Hospital Management software these days demands utmost privacy and security coverage for data and information covering client’s hospital, clinical, medical and patient data. It should be ensured that all data and records in the HMS should not be disclosed to clients or anyone at any cost. All the data stored by a client in a Hospital management software should be accessed only by the authorized users with their given user IDs and passwords.

User Interface

Ultimate user interface and user friendliness should be offered on software application used for hospital administration. The core reason for this is that the data dealt in this software will be related to uncompromising medical processes, so that the user interface must be complimenting the users. The user interface of most of the advanced Hospital Management software is designed in such a way that any user, regardless of whether they are techno savvy or not, can easily use and manage it. The Efficient Hospital Management software can also be accessed through Mobile and Tablets with a smoother interface.

To know more,visit the site

Surpassing the limitations of traditional hospital administration — October 3, 2016

Surpassing the limitations of traditional hospital administration


Hospital management is always a stressful and challenging one. Hospital administrators need to deal with various activities in the hospital like patient registration, patient care, doctor’s appointment and many other such things.

The whole functioning of the hospital makes it good or bad. People remembers it only on the basis of the quality of treatment, patient care and cost of treatment. Doctors and nurses cannot solely manage a hospital. It needs a professional touch for the smoother functioning of a hospital. The recent technologies has resulted in the invention of new software systems which helps in the easier management of the hospitals. Elixir AID is such a web based hospital management system developed so as to help the hospital authorities to carry out the hospital activities in a successful manner.

Let us see some of the challenges that are faced by the hospitals which is a hindrance to an efficient management:

  • Ensure best patient care
  • Multitasking of hospital staffs
  • Manage staff

These challenges can be surpassed by means of implementing a web based hospital management system.

Why hospitals need hospital management system?

Health care industry is adopting newer technologies and devices to increase the quality and efficiency of the work. Most of the hospital management systems are designed with greater flexibility, efficiency and scalability. This makes them more favorable toward adopting the software by many nursing homes and health care clinics. And finally, it has become a necessity in the hospitals to use this system.

An error free system which only needs a single click to access the important details is very helpful for a hospital to manage its daily tasks. A system to manage all the important tasks by itself is very urgent in a hospital since hundreds of tasks are running in a hospital per day. The automated system can make sure the proper and convenient flow of information.

Success factor of health clinics

This reliable and cost effective has now been adopted by many small as well as large hospitals. It has become the backbone of the success of a health care provider. People today also more likely to approach a hospital which runs on the latest technology. Such a software can deal with the inpatient and outpatient registration, doctor consultation, patient room booking and many other such things without any manual work. It offers a perfect solution for hospitals which plans on greater efficiency in work with utmost patient care and protection. To know more visit the site


Ensuring efficient management by employing an effective system — September 23, 2016

Ensuring efficient management by employing an effective system


Hospital management has been witnessing some of the better developments ever happened in the world. With the invention of hospital management software, the whole tasks of a hospital has become easier to manage.

As a hospital needs to carry out hundreds of tasks a day, the arrival of such a software can help it in many ways. Elixir AID is such a software which is developed and designed so as to help a hospital to carry out the tasks in an effective way.

Let us see the ways in which how a software helps to manage a hospital.

Improved patient supervision

Patient care is the first and foremost aim of a hospital. Patients are blindly believing a doctor and other staffs of a hospital with an expectation of utmost care and treatments. This software can ensure the best patient care by coordinating all the activities of the hospital. The patients will not have to worry about room booking, billing and other things. They only need to undergo the prescribed treatments without worrying about other things.

Patient portal

The patients can make appointments prior to the consultation with doctor with the help of patient portal. They can do it in the home itself. The further notifications about the consultation can get notified by E-mails or SMS from the hospital. If any changes occurs with the prior appointment, the further changes will be updated to the patients by the hospital. This is a good and effective method for people as they can do this tasks from home and no need to go to the hospital.

Recording information

A patient who is under a long term treatment has a record consisting of all the consultations, medications and test report results. This record generation is very important since when the result from a department is needed to pass to other departments. This module will give the details about the admission and discharge, consulting doctor, treatment charge and other details of the patients.

Paperless hospitals

As a result of implementing this system, hospitals can get rid of the paper files and documents. All the details and records can be stored on the software. This reduces the workloads of staffs too. Ordinary hospitals in villages has staffs for entering patient registration details and other information on the records. This can be avoided if all hospitals can adopt this method. By automating the tasks, a lot of time can be saved.

Guaranteed safety

Another highlight of the system is that it is highly secure. The software requires unique IDs and passwords to gain the access. So the data cannot be accessed by every person ensuring high security. Unauthorized access can be prevented and if happens the authorities can get notified by the actions.

Implementing hospital management software in health clinics has a great role in automating the hospitals. Patients as well as the hospital staffs can enjoy many benefits as a part of this. To know more visit the site

Automated hospital administration: The recent technical advancement in healthcare industry — August 11, 2016

Automated hospital administration: The recent technical advancement in healthcare industry


When we think about a hospital, the first thing come to our mind is the crowd over there. There are hundreds of people who visit a hospital for different purposes. Managing these people simultaneously can be a challenging task for hospital management authorities. Hospital management becomes more difficult due to the efforts give in manually by the employees. Out-patient registration, staff data collection are some of the tasks making headache for the employees.

We can reduce the workload of staff at hospitals by deploying online hospital management system project. By making all the facilities computerized we can effectively manage the hospital administration. Then there is no need to worry about scheduling doctor’s appointment, registration of new patients, room bookings, updating current employee informationand many more data. For more details about online hospital management system project visit the website.

Eliminate human prone errors

One of the main advantage of using online hospital management system projects are that they are free from human prone errors. Errors can be avoided completely unlike in the case of manual documentation. If the staff directly enter a data on a record, there are chances for mistakes like entering wrong information or it may become not readable. There are also chances of missing papers from hospital files. When making the whole things automated, there is no need to worry about these.

Time saving

Another advantage of the system is that it can save a lot of time. Entering a data on a computer does not take much time as writing on a record book. In-patient, out-patient information, new patient registration will not bea time consuming and tiresome process when it is done on a computer. Time consumption is an important aspect in running a hospital since a hospital needs to take care of every one’s needs.

High end security

An automated system is very much safer than the manual systems. There are chances may occur when you have to deal with the unauthorized access on the hospital files. There are thousands of records stored in a hospital. It contains the personal information as well as the health related reports of a patient. Patients may not be interested in disclosing their personal details or health records to other persons. As a document or a file, it is always accessible to anyone in the hospital.This can even question the trust and credibility of the hospital. Authorization is needed to access the functionalities. Therefore, there will not be any cases of theft of information.

Coordinate all activities

The data of several departments can be coordinated by using this software.There may be information needed by laboratory department from the patient registration department. This can be done easily by the online hospital management systems.

Stay updated with latest technology

By adopting the software, you can make the hospital run on the latest technology. All the business firms and companies are adopting latest technologies as a part of their company growth. So, implementing the online hospital management system project can make your hospital updated on the latest technology. Contact Us for more details about online hospital management system project.

Implementing the right strategy for maximum productivity is very crucial in running an organization. An online hospital management system project can be very useful for simplifying the administration process of a hospital making it into a world class standard.






Why automate a hospital and implement an advanced hospital management system?? — July 22, 2016

Why automate a hospital and implement an advanced hospital management system??


These days, in this most competitive world, it has become very necessary to make important changes on how a hospital manages its resources. Especially, doctors at the hospitals are in a requirement of effective hospital management system to fulfill their requirements. It allows all the hospital employees to handle their day-to-day schedule task very effectively and in a more synchronized way. It can be developed either for single user or for several users in a shared network atmosphere, and usually comes up with useful resources to offer a complete healthcare solution.

ELIXIR-AID is a system software developed to increase the efficiency of hospital administration by working on the above mentioned activities. A hospital needs to track the inpatient department, outpatient department, doctor’s appointment, patient information and many other departments. It is a user-friendly software developed by the expert teams after consulting with the leading healthcare providers and several case studies. Increasing operational effectiveness with reduced costs is the main objective of the system.

Healthcare industry is adopting IT solutions enabling them to manage their resources in a better way and optimize their entire functionalities efficiently. Management software solution is especially necessary in healthcare industry such as hospitals, clinics, nursing home etc., as they require highly flexible, robust, scalable and accurate solution and cannot do more with paper-based system. Hospitals need to take latest and advanced information technology so that they can have things or information at fingertips and offer high quality services to their patients.

Software highlights

  • Patient Information
  • Online room management system
  • Ambulance and other services
  • Operation theater details
  • Laboratory tests and management of laboratory equipment
  • Online test report generation
  • Inventory and pharmacy management details
  • Staff management system


No matter what time of day, hospital physicians and staff need to be prepared for anything, from treating life-threatening diseases or the common cold. Therefore a co-ordination in all these activities is essential for the day-to-day working of hospitals. Hospital management requires a lot of decision making which is highly difficult if there is no strong management system in place. Since you need precise and accurate implementation at every stage, the automation system in the hospital has to be self-sufficient. Today, it is not possible to imagine a super-specialty hospital without it. A reliable, cost-effective, and efficient system becomes the backbone of the success of a medical center.

One of the advantages of advanced hospital management system application is that it provides an appropriate, timely and effective care for the patients since the workflow is structured and simple. The hospital software is suitable for all the specialized, multi-specialty hospitals, nursing home and other medical centers to set up the software for their needs. A better hospital management is accomplished ultimately, where all the functions are performed efficiently and easily without any trouble.Visit The Website for more details about Advanced hospital management system .

This software is a complete package one needs for a hospital to deal with all the day-to-day operations. The software can look after inpatient admissions, patient records, treatments prescribed, billing, appointments etc. It also maintains the hospital recordssuch as wards and their details, doctor in charge and the other departments.



Web Based Hospital Management System — June 23, 2016

Web Based Hospital Management System


Every hospital and each staff contribute towards the well-being of society. Doctors, nurses, technicians, attendants everyone has a pivotal role in the functioning of a hospital. This requires a strong administrative setup. Online hospital management system can be of great help in this scenario. Deploying a software in this field is actually making all the hospital works paperless.

ELIXIR-AID is a system software developed to increase the efficiency of hospital administration. A hospital needs to track the inpatient department, outpatient department, doctor’s appointment, patient information and many other departments. It is a user-friendly software developed by the expert teams after consulting with the leading healthcare providers and several case studies. Increasing operational effectiveness with reduced costs is the main objective of ELIXIR-AID. Click Here for more details about Online hospital management system project .

Hospital management cannot be done on intuition. A hospital administrator must be well aware about the methods to run the hospital. A hospital management software can solve the hurdles behind the manual administration.

Major benefits of ELIXIR-AID

  • Least manpower requirements
  • Increased operational effectiveness
  • Reduced costs
  • Quality of patient care can be increased
  • Effective decision making
  • Instant information retrieval
  • Timely treatment decisions

With the invention of this software, it has become so easy in handling outpatients, inpatients, emergencies and other patient cases.

It can find a solution to the different challenges faced by the rural hospitals like:

  • Finding hospital information
  • Very less manpower needs
  • Cloud based system
  • Full hospital management solutions

Patient registration and doctor’s appointment scheduling are the other two difficulties facing by the common people. With the invention of this software, people does not need to fill out the application form for patient registration. By using a medical registration form, a person’s complete details are stored into a database securely.It can only be accessed by the hospital authorities and other concerned people. This prevents fault entries and junk data. A bar code system and a scanning facility is also provided for additional security purposes. For more details about Online hospital management system project visit the website.







The usefulness of Hospital management systems unveiled with latest trends & technology incorporation — May 27, 2016

The usefulness of Hospital management systems unveiled with latest trends & technology incorporation


Hospital management is one of the most difficult yet highly important sectors of our present day social conditions as a number of people are being clutched under various diseases each new day which should be taken care of with utmost care and concern. The manual proceedings that can be taken ahead for such tedious hospital related activities are time consuming and has a limit. No further simplicity can be obtained by using these types of conventional strategies which shows that the introduction of a new and advanced model is thoroughly inevitable. In this situation, the role of automated and online based hospital management systems are thoroughly appreciable as they have already proven as one of the most effective tools to control and coordinate almost all the proceedings of the hospitals carefully. There are already a number of hospital management systems introduced into our present day world which has got a warm welcome from all parts of the world especially where medical field is more advanced. In this article we are enumerating the utmost usefulness with all these kinds of hospital management systems which would definitely be a knowledge breakthrough for many people and health care organizations who have still only a little knowledge about these kinds of management softwares. For more details about hospital management information system software visit the website.

  • Hospital management information systems facilitate the smooth running of the reception in any hospitals with the help of necessary modules. As we know, the first point of contact for common people in any hospitals is nothing but the reception and these kinds of software systems provide the best in that area.
  • The laboratory and equipment management is another important job taken up by online hospital management software systems. The administrators can sit in any corners of the world and track the availability of laboratory equipments, their functioning as well as availability of medicines.
  • Ward and bed allocation systems for patients with distinct diseases is yet another hectic job that gets automatically done using these kinds of automated hospital management softwares. They know what exactly is good and which would be the best place to allocate a patient on arrival.
  • Inventory management and refurbishment of the hospital are undoubtedly some hectic tasks which get easily carried over using the aid of these kinds of hospital management systems. The more utility supporting your customized software mechanism has, the more would be its functionality in producing the best results.
  • Provides 24*7 patient monitoring – based on several criteria, these kinds of softwares facilitate a 24*7 monitoring of the patients which will help any health care organization to provide more improvised treatments.
  • Accounting and billing management – last but not the least, a good in class hospital management system provides effortless and error free accounting statements which can be directly used by the administrative department for their tax filing and other operations.Contact Us for more details about hospital management information system software.

                        The only thing to ensure is that, you should choose only a renowned and reputed hospital management system which is at least running in 10 plus hospitals concurrently. This ensures the fullest benefits for you in this regard.

How a Hospital Can Be Made Full Fledged Technologically Advanced Overnight — April 20, 2016

How a Hospital Can Be Made Full Fledged Technologically Advanced Overnight


If we scroll down the time lane and check for an industry that has been undergoing alarming developments over the centuries, that would be medical care. What started out as spiritual healing by witches of Ancient Egypt slowly developed into doctoring by the sages of India and then evolved into the modern doctor-hospital system. But throughout, one thing has been unquestionably constant- change.

Since our life is the most precious asset we have, we always want only the best. And what decides which hospital is the best? Experienced doctors, professional administration, kind nurses and a well-equipped hospital. All these factors have to coordinate effectively to give any hospital a good reputation. That coordination is perhaps the most important, but invisible, part of hospitals that also happens to be the most difficult of tasks. Again, technology has come to lend a helping hand through Hospital Management System Software. For more details about Hospital Management system visit the website.

Hospital Management system

Basic Features of HMS Software

The hospital management system revolutionises the traditional pen-paper system. When a patient visits a hospital, it is the job of the receptionist to take her entire information starting from personal details to medical history. It takes a lot of time as well. The second issue is storing these records and digging these up, especially when a patient who hasn’t visited the hospital in a long time makes a visit. All these make a hospital visit tiresome for patients and strenuous for the staff.

The Hospital Management System software or HMS ensures that a hospital becomes functionally technologically advanced on all counts. Here are some basic features of this software.

  • Storing Patient Information: All patient details can be stored in this module of the HMS software. The data can be retrieved by the consulting physician as well as the patient from their individual online accounts within the software. Only specified doctors and hospital staff are authorised to add or modify any information stored in this module.
  • Booking Doctor’s Appointment Online: Patients no longer have to wait up on doctors. With this module, a patient can book slots for himself based on the doctor’s availability according to his convenience. In case of a doctor’s lateness or absence, the module will notify the patient via sms alerts.
  • Billing and Insurance Management: Say good bye to endless queues with the billing portal of the HMS software. You can instruct your bank to pay your bills automatically after each visit to the hospital.
  • Reserving Hospital Rooms for in-patients
  • Online Tests Result Generation
  • Staff Management

There are a lot more modules that can be provided for facilitating the administration of other wings of the hospital. They can be tailored into the HMS software based on your needs. Contact Us for more details about Hospital Management system.

A main advantage of this software is that it is cost effective. A good software at an affordable rate which is continually updated and maintained by the service provider is what every hospital would want to gain technological advancement. The credibility a HMS gives is what transforms your hospital’s reputation overnight.