Hospital Management System

hospital management system software

The relevance of intelligent system in the hospital environment — November 10, 2017

The relevance of intelligent system in the hospital environment

hospital management

It is true that in real world number of people suffering from health issues are increasing day by day. The lack of resources and tight budgets are making the world tougher for many who are seeking better medical care.

Some of the study says that money spend on some of the medical projects are real waste. This is because of the inferior integration and use of proper system reasoning. Anyhow an intelligent communication system can create an environment that makes everything right for the entire organization.

Some of the tips related to presenting a high level education set up is listed below:

  1. a) In a highly developed intelligent system, even the old system shares information according to the most recent protocols.
  2. b) The hospital management system in php keeps things interconnected; this reduces the energy consumption and so all the facilities will be utilized much effectively.
  3. c) Most of the environmental activities get recorded easily and as a result of this, things can be organized, evaluated easily.
  4. d) Most of the department in the sector, works together as a result of this information can share, accessed much easier.
  5. e) The access control and management functions can be carried out in a simple way. This ensures optimal environment.

The business side of the health care sector

In most of the places if you observe, you may find that the patience have the right to choose their health center. So as a result of this, the organization needs to stay competent. That is most of the organization needs to satisfy the requirements of the patients in the best possible way. By enhancing the accessibility to the best communication channel and technology, things are becoming clearer to a larger sector.

  1. The intelligence facility makes it really easy for all department to stay connected and as a result every can be shared easily. Another is easy information access from anywhere around the world.
  2. The facility makes sure that all patients are attended without any trouble or delay. This gives greater confidence to each and every patient. The feeling that all are being attended by the concerned doctors or the nurses.
  3. The facility for recording the personal needs of the patients. This makes sure that the room is given to the patient according to their priority. Even the patient should be comfortably set for communicating through email and other web services.
  4. The staff times should be transferred to more productive side. This can be done through reducing the loads on the repetitive works.
  5. This even reduces the operational expenses at different streams. Along with that it increases the efficiency of the team as well.

In many ways it is important that all hospitals should be upgraded to high level technological objectives. If not maybe they lack in offering better services to the patients. Now a lot of choices are there for the health sectors in purchasing good software, but the quality of the items matters a lot. To know more, visit the site

Modern day hospital administration and the effective contribution of software technology — September 28, 2017

Modern day hospital administration and the effective contribution of software technology

app design

Advanced hospital management system is one of the trend setting management softwares these days. Through a series of studies conducted across different parts of the world, it has been undoubtedly proven that these types of management systems have made a revolutionary impact in the hospital sectors and have also contributed considerably in improving the overall quality of treatments. Most of these hospital management systems incorporate the latest and advancing piece of technology to make the whole process in a hospital comfortable and convenient. For all those managements who desire a more desirable and hassle free administration in their hospitals, this hospital management system has already become an indispensable choice. There are plenty of such hospital management system readily available these days. Most of the products are found to be error free and smoothly operating in all platforms.

Modules involved in any advanced hospital management system

There may be three important modules in any advanced hospital management system which fulfills all the requirements of hospital managements perfectly. They are:

  1. Accounting module – this module completely takes care of all the financial transactions taking place in a hospital. It involves bills given to the patients, bills of medicines purchased from the hospital pharmacy store and all other billings that involves a direct financing from the hospital account. It also manages the salary of all employees working in the hospital through a payroll, taxation management services Etc.
  2. Admission module – this module focuses on the admission of patients in the hospital. It also keeps records of bystanders and other relatives of patients who are allowed inside the hospital. Also, allocation of nurses and other medical staffs to concerned patients, checking the availability of doctors and appointment fixing, etc. are carried out through this module which makes the whole process run smoothly.
  3. Day to day operations management – the day to day working of hospital, incorporation of various departments, operation theatre, etc. is the main set of services that are carried out by this module. It keeps track of surgery details, enlist the surgeries in successive orders and also publishes the status of surgeries as well.

The benefits that these modules collectively contribute include:

  • Overall improvement in the integrity of information – with an efficient hospital management system, an overall increase in the integrity of information can be obtained which is extremely important from the perspective of a hospital management.
  • Simple and easy access to the patient data – authorized persons can have easy access to the data of any patient at any time. Most of the advanced hospital information system privileges this option which has found to be really useful in the negotiation of disease and its treatment.
  • Minimized/zero errors – there are possibilities of error inclusion in handwritten transcriptions and other information regarding the patient. Through a hospital management system, all this information is automated and digitized, which eludes the chances of errors.
  • Improvement in overall working – a complete redefinition of the hospital environment is possible by using a hospital management system. This uprises the goodwill of the hospital as well.

While choosing an advanced hospital management system, make sure that you buy from a genuine and authorized dealer who has proven experience and good track record in similar management softwares of this kind. To know more, visit the site

Paperless hospital administration – Is it an exceptional medical management on its way? — July 4, 2017

Paperless hospital administration – Is it an exceptional medical management on its way?


As it is known, hospital management can be one of the most tedious and tiring process in our present day world as there needs to be lots of care and concern before taking even a single step for execution. The world has advancement in all areas of the society with the intervention of latest technology. In case of hospitals, it is nothing but hospital information management systems which are being so much popular today. Unlike olden days, a good number of health care services now use one such system in order to ease their needs and obtain an error free hospital management. With the increase in demand, there are now a number of hospital management systems available from which choosing the best one would not be that easy. Here we discuss some major tips for that which would help any health care firm/hospital managements to find the most suitable hospital management system for their needs.

  • A good user interface which is completely understandable for even those who have only a little or limited knowledge regarding computer systems.
  • Flexibility in the nature of software which can be customized as well as configured for the user needs.
  • Tractability is another must needed factor for hospital management information systems which is used to understand whether the system meets all the requirements as per the policies of the firm or not.
  • Access to various details regarding several operations that are undergoing in a hospital information management system in a precise and effective way.
  • Should empower all the health care professionals as well as patients with its simplicity and user friendliness in the execution of various health related tasks in a hospital environment.
  • Should be utmost productive and manage to elude the wastage of time that occurs intermediately. The more efficient a system seems to be in its day to day operational tasks, the more preferable it could be for your healthcare organization.
  • Should be systematic in allotment of time and therefore must automate different set of processes that are undertaken in a hospital environment.
  • More productivity should be guaranteed in real time environment for which there should not be any kind of compromise.
  • Must be capable to efficiently manage and allocate different resources available in a hospital environment so that excellent cash flow management becomes possible.
  • Should cooperate all different sectors involved in a hospital/health care firm and process accordingly in such a way that operations that are carried out in one sector does not affect the others.

Choosing the best and most affordable hospital information management system is something inevitable in this perspective. Make sure that you make the deal with only those who are reputed as well as established in the industry with a successful track record and proficient knowledge about all these systems. The more you could manage to bring in cost-effective and highly reliable product for your needs, the more benefits you can obtain with it.

To know more, visit the site

Automated hospital management systems – the hierarchical model for modernized medical care? — June 16, 2017

Automated hospital management systems – the hierarchical model for modernized medical care?

hospital mangement software

The present day health care is advancing at a rapid rate such that more innovative milestones are achieved by the coordinated work of medical and technological professionals. More number of improvised standards are adopted in several sectors of the medical field to carry out all health care operations in a more comfortable and convenient manner. The latest one in this row is a web based hospital management system that privileges everyone associated with such an environment to mutually benefit from it for the sake of good. Hospital management software have already become familiar to most of the people; but a cloud based on in this regard is nothing but the latest among all other models that proves to be completely useful for multiple purposes. Some of the basic advantages of using an automated, cloud based hospital management system include:

  • Flexibility – this type of online hospital management software is found to be utmost flexible in real time operations. It is adorable for even small hospital/clinic where a comparatively low number of health care professionals and patients are present.
  • Cost-effective – contrary to your expectations, such an automated and web based hospital management system is not too much expensive as there exists a competitive market out there and there are a number of dealers who sell it for affordable prices.
  • Accessibility – since such a system is completely cloud based, accessing it from anywhere on the globe is easily possible. Unique identification codes are provided for all persons associated with such a system which helps every health care professional assure that better care and adequate response is made possible for their patients even in their absence.
  • Fast and sustainable – online hospital management systems are fast and accurate in operations. They are extremely user friendly and therefore make sure that no delay comes while providing sufficient medical assistance to the needy.
  • Top features of online hospital management systems that are adorable
    • There are several features of online hospital management systems that makes it more appealing for the public and hospital management. The major among them include:
  • Effective and efficient patient management in an utmost flawless way.
  • Manages different appointments and schedules, taking place on a daily basis.
  • Regular and immediate alerts are given to the concerned departments which are considered the best feature of online hospital management system.
  • Managing the complete purchase operations taking place in the hospital, including the inventory management operations.
  • Maintains necessary records about all day to day operations and helps the officials track the same easily when and where needed.
  • Processes the payments and manages all the accounting activities that are predominantly important.
  • Lead generation is also one of the top features that everyone would love while using an online hospital management system.

Choosing the best online hospital management system can be really challenging as there are countless number of such systems involved. Hence, be very sure that you choose the right one among those with the most appropriate features, reliability and maximum cash benefits. Be very sure that the dealer you choose is a reputed and renowned one so that maximum accountability over your online hospital management software can be guaranteed.

To know more, visit the site

Comprehensive hospital management systems for ensuring better health care in medical sector — May 12, 2017

Comprehensive hospital management systems for ensuring better health care in medical sector

app design

Hospitals are turning out to be crucial destinations in our lives as more number of people is nowadays being greatly dependant towards it. In these days of degenerating health care, hospitals are something which we cannot elude from the daily life. Though this, it is a fact that these hospitals form the most crowded and for the same reason an utmost complicated scenario to operate with. With the increase in infrastructure facilities for over a long period of time, more number of people are visiting medical firms daily and unfortunately, the systems there lack proactive measurements to take care of all those medical requests effectively. It is also a fact that most of the time, these hospitals fail to manage and execute a perfect workflow both inside and outside which should be one of the most critical problems that need to be dealt with. In such situations, there require the aid of a well maintained and automated software system which can relentlessly operate in all kinds of environments and that too with utmost perfection and stability. Here comes the importance of advanced hospital management systems which are nowadays gaining utmost popularity just because of its operational strength to categorize the workflow management in a hospital scenario and efficiently route the same without fail. Most of the modern day hospitals have either established or on the go for establishing comprehensive hospital management systems which can redefine the complete medical care scenario worldwide.

Benefits of hospital management systems in real time operations

When the benefits of hospital managements systems are checked based on their utility and functions, there are aplenty. Most of the hospital management systems are alike in the functional and module level operations though some kind of differences can occur in operational level variants. Here we describe some of the most important benefits of one such automated system which can be really useful for all kinds of medical managements worldwide.

  • Real time patient data access – one supreme feature by which medical professionals can access the real time data of patients which facilitates full time medical assistance for patients. Also, remote assistance feature would help medical professionals to analyze the up to date conditions of patients from time to time that lets them diagnose correctly the present situation.
  • Mobile health care – it is indeed possible for patients to acquire necessary and most important medical assistance from health care professionals through mobile. This means, they are always under the surveillance of the medical professionals which can make them feel more confident about their health situations.
  • Unmatched patient care and operations management – from the administration side, concerned hospital authorities can ensure that supreme patient care is given to all patients admitted in their hospitals and thereby be more confident in the market.

There are numerous health care management systems widely available in our present day world. Be sure that you choose those which have high potential of providing utility functions and satisfying necessary requirements and that too for the most reduced cost. To know more, visit the site

Revolutionizing the health care field in just a single click — March 17, 2017

Revolutionizing the health care field in just a single click

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Hospital management systems are the recent technical excellence seen in the health care industry. Obviously, it offers many advantages to the hospitals in terms of administration, patient care and more. A web based hospital management system is highly desirable for all the hospitals out there because of the amazing benefits it can offer.

Elixir Aid is a web based hospital management system that offers many benefits and advantages to the hospitals. This product is developed by Gescis Technologies, a software based in Trivandrum. A hospital can reach its highest level of perfection by adopting the hospital management systems out there. In the case of administration and management as well as providing high quality patient care, such a software can do the best.

Let us look into some of the major features of having such a system to automate the hospitals.

Automate the tasks

The major intention of the hospital management systems are that it automate all the tasks in a hospital. Sometimes the patient registration, doctor appointment booking become a huge time consuming task, which makes the whole process difficult. With the arrival of hospital management systems, a single click is only needed to perform the tasks. The need of manual efforts has become decreased with the arrival of hospital software.

Patient registration

With the hospital management system, the patients can register themselves in the hospital by sitting in their own homes. They no longer need to go to the hospital to register as a patient. They can also book the appointment with the doctor they need to consult. There are also provisions to view the medications and the test result reports of them.

Reduced workload

In the usual cases, the staffs are needed to be engaged with the new patient registration and so on. But a system like Elixir Aid do not make an employee or a staff to do these activities. The software does all the tasks. Even a few entries are only needed from the part of the staffs. Thus, the hospital staffs can focus more on productivity other than focusing on the secondary things in the hospital.

A web based hospital management system is no longer new to the hospitals out there. Most of the super specialty health care centers in our locality are using such systems to do the daily tasks in a hospital. Hence, they are able to provide high quality patient care along with an organized approach towards administration.

To know more, visit the site

Hospital management system to redefine the health care system — February 17, 2017

Hospital management system to redefine the health care system


The world is on the verge of getting digitized despite of all the challenges. The process of digitization is visible in every field of business. In this article, I would like to talk about the changes that has happened with the health care industry. It has a lot to do with today’s super specialty hospitals. Unlike the ordinary hospitals in the villages, the super specialty hospitals has got much facilities in providing quality health care services.

Most of the new hospitals has got the assistance of a hospital management system to track and execute all the hospital activities. Elixir Aid is such an advanced hospital management system that can effectively control and coordinate all the hospital tasks.

Let us look into the some of the features of such an advanced hospital management system.

Patient portal

The software has various modules in it to categorize the activities. The patient portal allows a new user to register as a new patient of the hospital. Thus, there is no need to visit the hospital and to stand in the long queues to get registered. Apart from the registration process, the patient can book a consultation with the doctor, which is needed to be approved by the doctor, and can view the prescriptions and medications given by the doctors.

For patients suffering from long term diseases, their treatment usually continues for years and months. So they need to visit the hospital on a frequent basis. So, for each consultation, they need to book an appointment every time. For such patients, the portal offers so many benefits. They can book each appointment without going to the hospital.

Managing a hospital

A hospital is, in fact, very difficult to manage. It has hundreds of visitors each day for some kind of purposes. Some may be there to consult a doctor, some for getting the test results while some others to visit a patient. However, a hospital is always crowded and ends up difficult for the officials to manage. In such cases, the hospital management system is the only solution. It can manage well the hospital by controlling and coordinating all the departments in a hospital.

The staff of a hospital can concentrate completely on providing quality health care to the patients without shifting their focus to any other areas. Because, in the ordinary hospitals, the staff is engaged with the patient registration, billing and room booking. With the arrival of hospital management software, this workload has been eliminated from the staff and is done by the software. So, the staff can concentrate completely to the patients.

To know more, visit the site

Upgrade the hospitals with the latest inventions — January 25, 2017

Upgrade the hospitals with the latest inventions


Automating the hospital tasks is the only method to reduce the huge workload over there. The increased workload of the staffs often results in inconvenience to the patients. A hospital cannot operate in such a way that it less concentrates in providing quality patient care. The importance of a web based hospital management system comes here. Adopting such a system can surely redefine a hospital in many ways. The tag of a well-organized and administrated hospital can be achieved with a hospital management system.

Why web based hospital management system?

Now-a-days, we are living in a world of new inventions and developments. Hence, we use the recent technologies in everything we do to make it more perfect. The same goes with the hospitals too. Many multispecialty hospitals running today are making use of the hospital management systems for better productivity. The software is cost effective, which makes it cheap enough for every hospital to adopt the system. Let us see some of the reasons of using such a system by the hospitals.

Better patient care

All the staffs and doctors in a hospital are working towards providing quality patient care. It is the prime motto of every health care service provider. The software offers many modules, which can be made the best use of the patients, staffs and the officials. All the staffs can concentrate only towards the quality patient care leaving all the secondary activities to the software.

Improved administration

Proper administration is necessary for the hospital to run in a smooth manner. Lack of administration can result in many unfortunate happenings. The software is a best tool for the decision making, in which a hospital depends on its working and activities.

Patient portal

Patient portal is a highlight of the software. It helps the patients to easily access the software for making appointments with the doctor and viewing the medications and the prescriptions. The patient need not go to the hospital to register themselves. All the process can be done in the home itself.


Another feature of the software, which makes it highly feasible is that it is highly secure. Each person has a unique ID and password. Using the details people can access the software to view the details.

A web based hospital management system can offer many advantages. It totally redefines a hospital from its earlier phase to an upgraded position.

To know more, visit the site

Integrating biometric to hospital system for ensuring security and better patient management — January 6, 2017

Integrating biometric to hospital system for ensuring security and better patient management


It is true that health care industry is booming with the integration of the automated system. But on the other side the unauthentic intrusion and exploitation of the data are increasing day by day. The computer networks is very much under the threat and in most cases the password meant of ensuring security are broken with easier techniques. In such a circumstance the demand for resetting the technology is increasing day by day.

One of the most significant inductions is that of the biometric technology. This meets the dual demand of the data verification as well as the physical verification. Some of the benefits of using the biometric verification can be checked below:

  1. a) Positive Identification at the blood banks

Biometric will be a great help to blood banks as it helps them with the federal regulations. It has been reported that after the integration of biometric, number of donors who have been rejected without any proper ID has decreased. Also the issue with duplication of the donor has been solved. Apart from this most of the people rejected the storage of the ID card details and with biometric that has become less mandatory.

  1. b) Reducing the errors in the medical field

In large hospitals the patients are usually identified with barcodes or wrist bands. The medicines are given after checking it. With the launch of biometric this becomes irrelevant. As a result the number of mistakes is supplying medicines have also reduced.

  1. c) Solution to bill frauds

The integration of the hospital management system has truly made the billing section much simplified. This is the department where fraud transactions are happening in a greater rate. Even in the insurance cards, duplication is happening and as a result reimbursement is done multiple times. Now this has been completely shifted to biometric and so the scope for such frauds became null.

  1. d) Improved attendance with medical emergency cases

If a patient who has treatment history in a hospital has been admitted again under emergency, the initiation of treatment can be simplified. That is with biometric facility, even an unconscious patient can be easily identified without any details. Thus the previous medication history and allergy reaction can be easily noted which can be helpful in further treatment.

  1. e) Authenticated sharing of treatment information

In the digital world with easy information sharing facility, the need of accurate sharing of patient information becomes very much important. If a patient has multiple treatment records the risk of misinterpreting the incomplete record is greater. This is because of the multiple registration or filling of forms. Anyhow such kind of data sharing can be threat to further treatment process. With biometric the chance of duplication can be completely eliminated. Even if the patient makes multiple visits all consultation and treatment history will be saved in single file only.

So the role of biometric in health care industry is not limited to managing security and privacy, but also in medical emergencies and advanced treatment assistance. By linking it with most modern hospital facilities, the reach of the technology can be so much helpful in serving the humanity. To know more, visit the site

Discussing the essential requirements in revolutionizing the health care industry — November 23, 2016

Discussing the essential requirements in revolutionizing the health care industry


Most of the multi-specialty hospitals today are working with the help of hospital management systems. It is impossible to think about the working of the hospitals without an online hospital management system project. There are many benefits for a hospital as a result of adapting such a software. Let us see some of the benefits and the uses of the hospital management software.

Hospital management system

Elixir Aid is a software developed so as to manage all the activities in a hospital on a daily basis. This hospital management system in PHP is such a platform that coordinates all the activities of a hospital. The main features of the software are that it is comfortable to use, powerful, flexible, and is designed and modernized to deliver real possible benefits to hospitals.

Software engineers are developing new applications with recent technologies. Hospital management systems are such applications, which has a positive impact on the hospitals. It will result in transforming the ordinary hospitals to a completely automated electronic hospitals. The main advantage is that all the records can be stored electronically, thus reducing manual efforts making the hospital paperless. Doctors, nurses, technicians, attendants, everyone has a pivotal part in the operation of a hospital. This requires a strong administrative setup. Online hospital management system can be of great help in this context.

Software highlights

  • Better administration
  • Highly efficient
  • Improved services
  • Cost effective
  • Increased credibility

Hospitals are in the path of transferring from the traditional concept of patient care to a paperless and computerized hospital management system.In reality, there has been many posts in which errors in patient care happened due to lost medical records and examination solutions.Such mistakes can be greatly diminished by utilizing the electronic based HRMS.Thus, there will not be situations such as missing of papers and books.

With the deployment of an efficient hospital management system, this challenge faced by the ordinary hospitals can be made out to an extent.Such software is usable in different software in which customers can choose the one that best suits them.The software provides many exciting features like instant report generation, online registration, online doctor booking, room booking and many more.

Online hospital management system project is an essential requirement, which is needed to be implemented in every hospital. It can increase the value of patient care along with a noticeable improvement in the management process of the hospital.

To know more, visit the site