
The world is on the verge of getting digitized despite of all the challenges. The process of digitization is visible in every field of business. In this article, I would like to talk about the changes that has happened with the health care industry. It has a lot to do with today’s super specialty hospitals. Unlike the ordinary hospitals in the villages, the super specialty hospitals has got much facilities in providing quality health care services.

Most of the new hospitals has got the assistance of a hospital management system to track and execute all the hospital activities. Elixir Aid is such an advanced hospital management system that can effectively control and coordinate all the hospital tasks.

Let us look into the some of the features of such an advanced hospital management system.

Patient portal

The software has various modules in it to categorize the activities. The patient portal allows a new user to register as a new patient of the hospital. Thus, there is no need to visit the hospital and to stand in the long queues to get registered. Apart from the registration process, the patient can book a consultation with the doctor, which is needed to be approved by the doctor, and can view the prescriptions and medications given by the doctors.

For patients suffering from long term diseases, their treatment usually continues for years and months. So they need to visit the hospital on a frequent basis. So, for each consultation, they need to book an appointment every time. For such patients, the portal offers so many benefits. They can book each appointment without going to the hospital.

Managing a hospital

A hospital is, in fact, very difficult to manage. It has hundreds of visitors each day for some kind of purposes. Some may be there to consult a doctor, some for getting the test results while some others to visit a patient. However, a hospital is always crowded and ends up difficult for the officials to manage. In such cases, the hospital management system is the only solution. It can manage well the hospital by controlling and coordinating all the departments in a hospital.

The staff of a hospital can concentrate completely on providing quality health care to the patients without shifting their focus to any other areas. Because, in the ordinary hospitals, the staff is engaged with the patient registration, billing and room booking. With the arrival of hospital management software, this workload has been eliminated from the staff and is done by the software. So, the staff can concentrate completely to the patients.

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