
It is true that health care industry is booming with the integration of the automated system. But on the other side the unauthentic intrusion and exploitation of the data are increasing day by day. The computer networks is very much under the threat and in most cases the password meant of ensuring security are broken with easier techniques. In such a circumstance the demand for resetting the technology is increasing day by day.

One of the most significant inductions is that of the biometric technology. This meets the dual demand of the data verification as well as the physical verification. Some of the benefits of using the biometric verification can be checked below:

  1. a) Positive Identification at the blood banks

Biometric will be a great help to blood banks as it helps them with the federal regulations. It has been reported that after the integration of biometric, number of donors who have been rejected without any proper ID has decreased. Also the issue with duplication of the donor has been solved. Apart from this most of the people rejected the storage of the ID card details and with biometric that has become less mandatory.

  1. b) Reducing the errors in the medical field

In large hospitals the patients are usually identified with barcodes or wrist bands. The medicines are given after checking it. With the launch of biometric this becomes irrelevant. As a result the number of mistakes is supplying medicines have also reduced.

  1. c) Solution to bill frauds

The integration of the hospital management system has truly made the billing section much simplified. This is the department where fraud transactions are happening in a greater rate. Even in the insurance cards, duplication is happening and as a result reimbursement is done multiple times. Now this has been completely shifted to biometric and so the scope for such frauds became null.

  1. d) Improved attendance with medical emergency cases

If a patient who has treatment history in a hospital has been admitted again under emergency, the initiation of treatment can be simplified. That is with biometric facility, even an unconscious patient can be easily identified without any details. Thus the previous medication history and allergy reaction can be easily noted which can be helpful in further treatment.

  1. e) Authenticated sharing of treatment information

In the digital world with easy information sharing facility, the need of accurate sharing of patient information becomes very much important. If a patient has multiple treatment records the risk of misinterpreting the incomplete record is greater. This is because of the multiple registration or filling of forms. Anyhow such kind of data sharing can be threat to further treatment process. With biometric the chance of duplication can be completely eliminated. Even if the patient makes multiple visits all consultation and treatment history will be saved in single file only.

So the role of biometric in health care industry is not limited to managing security and privacy, but also in medical emergencies and advanced treatment assistance. By linking it with most modern hospital facilities, the reach of the technology can be so much helpful in serving the humanity. To know more, visit the site